Bridge with Mike

1972 - 2009

Created by Libby Moss 14 years ago
Bridge with Mike started at home. Libby (my wife and Sue's sister) and I against Mike and Joan ( Libby & Sue's Mum ). Early days, until a friend suggested the bridge club at Pfizer, Sandwich. Mike and I went and became regulars on club nights and also competing in competitions there and around Kent. Mike won the club "individual" competition in our first year. When Mike & Sue moved to Chichester in 1979 the bridge stopped and it wasn't until I got a computer in 2001 that we continued the partnership by playing online right up to the last few weeks of his life. Things didn't always run smoothly for various reasons but although we stopped playing together 5 times ".... I'll never play with you again..." we always got back together because we knew each other so well and not just in bridge terms. He never carried a grudge. Mike was a fiery character, being banned from a few online bridge clubs for his colourful language and also falling out with several partners. We used a code for played hands ....PLOS = played like Omar Sharif..... or PLOP = played like a plonker...... I play with lots of different partners now, from all over the world....but it's not the same. One other memory. One day we decided to play a round of golf at The North Foreland short course. He didn't have any gear so he wore Arthur's ( Father-in-law ) size 13's tied on with string and borrowed a couple of my clubs and a ball carried in a plastic bag. A sort of Welsh Andy Capp but he didn't care. I bet we had a good game. Mike Moss ( brother-in-law ) and bridge partner. 25/05/2010